Monday, June 4, 2012

Lap Blanket

I picked up a great sock-weight wool blend yarn thinking to create a little scarf or hat.  
Then I stumbled upon a Japanese Square Block Pattern called Ondori Crochet Motif 3.  
It would be perfect in this soft lightweight yarn for a great lap blanket! 

So there I started, creating square after square!  
I decided to whip it together using the basic- (sc thru both squares, ch3. with a double FPdc at the ends of each row).

Then I added a few rows around the outside in purple and red, continuing into a basic  pretty little edging.

Here it is all finished!  I so love how it turned out!  
Beautiful squre motifs held together in a simple way in a beautiful yarn! 
 I've sent it off to it's new home at my Mother-in-laws house.  
She is also an avid reader, so I hope it finds a new home on her lap during those blanket moments. 

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