Monday, April 8, 2013

New Recipe and New Project!

I had originally thought to make a small pot of Guinness Stew, 
but then thought something pasta'ish...
something beefy and mushroomy for dinner. 
We came up with this!

Ronna's Guinness Beefy Mushroom Pasta: 
(I don't measure exactly, so just adjust to the amount you are cooking, this is for two of us)

Cut up and marinate a steak in about 1 cup of Guinness Beer for 15-30 min... reserving about 1/4 cup for later and giving your husband the remaining of the can o' frothiness. 
While this is marinating- I cook 1 cup pasta & drain it. 
Also while the pasta is cooking- I saute diced mushrooms, garlic, and red onion to later add to my Béchamel sauce. Remove from pan when finished and place to the side
Drain off  the marinade and saute the beef with diced onions and garlic until the beef is cooked. 
Add in 1 cup sliced mushrooms and the reserved 1/4 cup of Guinness.  I simmered this until the beer was gone and left was some very yummy smelling beefy mushrooms. 
Next add 1 cup sliced asparagus and saute just until tender (or further if you like yours cooked more, we like ours with some crunch still and no mush).
Turn down the heat, just to keep it warm while you create your mushroom sauce.

I just make a basic Béchamel/white sauce in a small pan.  Once it is ready, I add the mushroom/garlic/onions I had precooked and set aside.  Stir together and once this is hot I add in the  noodles, mixing it all up.

Prepare your plates with a pile of fresh spinach (or if you like yours mixed together, stir the spinach leaves in with your pasta in the sauce).
Top with the pasta, then the beefy mushroom asparagus goodness.
Top with some fresh Parmesan and parsley.

Super Yummy! 

New Project Time!
I'm going to create a granny bag out of this yarn and bamboo purse handles.
They seem to be very popular right now and I love how they look! 
I of course picked up some yarn before I knew I would need more than 2 skeins of, 
so I'm going to mix in some black wool with it. 
Whew...quick fix!

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