Friday, March 22, 2013

Cold outside...warm inside!

Woke up to some snow flakes floating down!  
The day warmed up a bit, but not for those up north of us.  More snow for them!  
So many complaints about "where is Spring?".
The trees are in bloom, the flower bulbs are blooming, 
it's all around us...just not in the precipitation! 

I started this blanket for my hubby and I awhile a go.  Something for us to use when it's chilly on the couch as our eyes glaze over as we zone out at the boobtube.  
It's now long enough to keep my legs warm as I work on it!
It's using the old shale stitch pattern in a variety 
of colors of Stylecraft yarn from Deramores.
Soft, bright, and colorful!    
This trifecta makes me one happy hooker!  

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